Prof. Dr. Gerrit Tamm
Information systems
Study Director Entrepreneurship

Gerrit Tamm

SRH University Berlin
Ernst - Reuter - Platz 10
10587 Berlin

Electronic Business Forum

  +49 (0)30 - 922535-42


Prof. Dr. Gerrit Tamm (* 12. December 1970 in Kellinghusen) is professor of information systems at SRH University Berlin and CEO of Asperado GmbH. 

After studying industrial engineering and business administration at the Technische Universität Berlin and at the University of California Berkeley he was member of the graduate school “distributed information systems” where he received his doctoral degree on “Web-based services: supply, demand and matching” from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He worked for 1 year as a pos doc at University St.Gallen, Switzerland. He was the executive director of the BMBF-funded Berlin Research Center on Internet Economics “Internet and Value Chains - InterVal” and the executive director of the BMWi-funded Research Center of Collaboration and RFID “Ko-RFID” in Berlin. He is founder and executive director of the electronic business forum, and Asperado GmbH.  Prof. Dr. Tamm is member of the advisory committee of eco - Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e.V. 

Academic Career 

SRH University Berlin (since 2008)
Information systems
Study Director Entrepreneurship
Director Career Services

Berlin Research Center Ko-RFID (2006 until 2009)

„Ko-RFID – Collaboration and RFID“, Berlin
Director, Funded by Ministery of Economics
Volume: 5 Mio. Euro

University of Applied Science Erfurt (2005)
Replacement Professor for Informatics
Institute of Applied Informatics Web:

University St.Gallen, Switzerland (2004)
Institute of Information Systems
Competence Center of „Integrated information management“,
Director of the Competence Center (Post-Doc Position)

Berliner Research Center Internet Economics (2003)
„InterVal – Internet and Value Chains“
Director and Project Manager, Financing through the BMBF
Financial means of 4,5 Mio. Euro,

Technical University Berlin (1999)
DAI Labor, Director of the eCommerce –  Competence Center

IPK Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e. V. (1998)
Head of the eCommerce Working Group,
Industrial Information Technology, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lothar Krause
Projects: Integration of virtual Project development (ivip)

Humboldt University Berlin (1999)
Berlin-Brandenburger graduate school:
"distributed information systems"

Promotion (Dr. rer. pol., Magna Cum Laude):
“web based services - Supply, Demand and Matching“

Technical University Berlin (1992)
Study industrial engineering and business administration

University of California, Berkeley (05.1998 - 09.1998)
Summer Sessions: Financial Management and Managerial Accounting

Professional Career

Asperado GmbH (since 2000)
Founder and Director,
Marketplace for web based services
Web: (since 1999)
Career and Job portal for companies and graduates
Founder and Director,

Electronic Business Forum (since 1999) 
Founder and Director

TeamToolz Inc., San Francisco (2001)
Business Development and Project Manager Germany,
Web Based Services for the Support of Marketing Campaigns

LEXTA CONSULTANS GROUP GmbH (07.2005 – today)
Senior Consultant, Web:

Lycos Bertelsmann GmbH & Co. KG (1997)
Personal Assistant of the CEO Europe (Mr. Christoph Mohn),
Webmaster Europe and Content Manager Germany

Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Dr.-Ing. G. Spur (02.1996-02.1997) 
Private Working Contract

Memberships and teaching positions


Teaching positions:



Tamm, G., Tribowski, C.:
Informatik im Fokus - RFID, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, März 2010

Tamm, G., Günther, O.:
"Webbasierte Dienste: Technologien, Märkte and Geschäftsmodelle",
Physica-Verlag Springer , Heidelberg, 2005
Tamm, G. et al.:
"Konzepte in eCommerce Anwendungen",
Lehrbuch, SPC-Lehrbuchverlag, Berlin, 2003
Tamm, G.:
"Mittelstands-Shop-Systeme: OPENSTORE & GS ShopBuilder Pro",
Lehrbuch, SPC-Lehrbuchverlag, Berlin, 2003
Ulrich, P., Tamm, G.:
"Corporate- and Webinterface Design für ein Online-Unternehmen",
VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2008
Hebig, M., Tamm, G.:
„Web Mining - mittels Kundenorientierung zum Geschäftserfolg“,
VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2008



Gerrit Tamm (Dissertation)
Netzbasierte Dienste - Angebot, Nachfrage and Matching,
Berlin, 2003-05-09 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Book Chapters

Stantchev, V., Tamm, G. Addressing Non-Functional Properties of Services in IT Service Management Book Chapter, in Non-Functional Properties in Service Oriented Architecture: Requirements, Models and Methods, pp. 324-334, IGI Global, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-60566-794-2

Gerke, K., Petruch, K., Tamm, G.: “Continual Process Improvement based on ITIL and Process Mining” in Quality Management for IT-Services, IGI Global, USA, 2010

Winkler, T., Schöndienst, V., Tamm, G: "Wireless City Berlin – Solutions for a Smarter City" in "Wireless Communication and Information", Herausgeber Jürgen Sieck, Michael A. Herzog, ISBN 978-3-940317-51-3, vwh Verlag, 2009

Ibach, P.K., Tamm, G., Malek, M.: Towards a Global Real-Time Enterprise,
In: B. N. Hilton (editor) Emerging Spatial Information Systems and Applications,
Idea Group, Information Science Publishing, IRM Press, 2006

Tamm, G. , Günther, O.: A framework for ASP marketplaces,
In: Peter Scheuermann (Hrsg.), Opher Etzion, Proc. 5th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2000), Serie: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nr. 1901, Springer-Verlag, Eilat, Israel, 2000


Stantchev, V.; Tamm, G.: Managing Research Portfolios in the Knowledge Enterprise: A University Spin-Out Case Study. In: Lytras, M. D. et al. (Hrsg.): Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society, Springer, Berlin, S. 418-423., 2010

Gerke, K., Tamm, G.: Qualitätsmanagement zur Steuerung von IT-Prozessen auf der Basis von Referenzmodellen and Process-Mining. In Stefan Reinheimer, Herausgeber, Fachzeitschrift HMD, Ausgabe 266, 2009.

Tamm, G., Gerke, K., "Process mining and data aggregation strategies for business collaboration networks", Journal Communications of Arab Computer Society, 2008

Tamm, G., Petruch, K., Bennemann, M.: "SaaS - Software as a Service" Herausforderungen für IT-Abteilungen, Journal IM Information Management, 2008

Günther, O., Tamm, G., Leymann, F.: Pricing web services, International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM), Special Issue on the Role of Business Processes in Service-Oriented Architectures, Volume 2, 2007

Günther, O., Tamm G., Hansen, L.: Meseg, T.: Application Service Providers: Angebot, Nachfrage and langfristige Perspektiven (Application Service Providers: Supply, Demand, and Long-Term Perspectives), Fachzeitschrift Wirtschaftsinformatik, Vol. 43, Nr. 6, 2001

Conference proceedings

Gerke, K.; Tamm, G.; Petruch, K.: Optimization of Service Delivery through Continual Process Improvement: A Case Study. Proc. of the 2nd Intl. Symposium on Services Science, Springer-Verlag Berlin (ISSS 2010), Leipzig 2010

Stantchev, V., Tamm, G.: “SOA Governance for the Internet of Services”. In Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS 2010), Tokio, Japan, 2010

Stantchev, V., Tamm, G.: “Towards Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Services in Healthcare” In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Bio- and Medical Infor-matics and Cybernetics (BMIC 2010), Miami, USA, 2010

Gerke, K., Tamm, G.: Continuous Quality Improvement of IT Processes based on Reference Models and Process Mining. In AMCIS'09. Konferenz "Information Systems", San Francisco, Kalifornien, USA, 2009.

Schlegel, M, Tamm, G.: Online Service Quality of Web-based E-Mail-Services -An Empirical Study For The German Market, In: Proc. 42th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS-42), Hawaii, 2009

Winkler, T., Koreleva, K., Tamm, G:. ‘Wireless City Initiatives in Europe – Towards a Service-Oriented Approach’. In Proceeding of the 2009 Conference on Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce, pp. 36–47, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, IOS Press, 2009

Ibach, P., Tamm, G., Horbank M.: Dynamic Value Webs in Mobile Environments Using Adaptive Location-Based Services, Proc. 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS-38), Hawaii, 2005.

Hochstein A., Tamm, G., Brenner, W.: Service-oriented IT-Management: Benefit, Cost and Success Factors, In: Proc. 13th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2005), Regensburg, 2005

Tamm, G., Zarnekow, R.: Umsetzung eines ITIL-konformen IT-Service-Support auf der Grundlage von Web-Services, In: 7. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Bamberg, 2005

Tamm, G., Brenner, W., Grüneich, A.: Business Service Management - Kulturwandel in der IT-Branche,
In THEXIS "New Marketing - New Business", St. Gallen 2005

Tamm, G., Ziekow, H.: The utility of learning management systems for institutes of higher education,
In: Proc. 15th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS 2004), Berlin, 2004

Haupt, A., Tamm, G.: Trust and Security for Web Services,
In: Dr. Bernd Viehweger (Hrsg.), Perspectives in Business Informatics Research,
Serie: Wirtschaftsinformatik, Shaker Verlag, Aachen,S. 46 - 62, 2003

Müller-Haibt, C., Tamm, G.: Measuring the Utility of E-Government-Portals,
In Serie e-Gov days 2003, Wien, 2003

Tamm, G., Wünsche, M.: Strategies to reduce information asymmetry in web service market,
In: Proc. 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2003), Neapel, 2003

Günther, O.,Tamm, G.: An Empirical Study of the European ASP Market,
In: Proc. 10th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2002), Gdansk, 2002

Tamm, G., Günther, O.: Business models for ASP marketplaces,
In: Proc. 8th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2000), Wien, 2000

Tamm, G., Günther, O.: Pricing Models for ASP,
In: Proc. International Telecommunications Society Conference (ITS 2000), Buenos Aires, 2000

Tamm, G., Günther, O.: Business Concepts and Strategies for the ASP Market,
In: Proc. 4th Workshop on Federated Databases, Berlin, 1999

Tamm, G., Günther, O.: On-Demand Application Integration: Business Concepts and Strategies for the ASP Market, In: 4th Workshop on Federated Databases, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 1999


Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business

International Journal for Computers in Human Behavior

ISSS International Symposium on Services Science  

The International Telecommunications Society (ITS)

AIS Association for Information Systems

Springer International Journal Food and Bioprocess Technology

Organization of Conferences

Annual Meeting Ko-RFID

ECIS 2007 St.Gallen, Schweiz
Session Chair Information Systems and Economics

Business Service Management Tagung in Zürich 2004

4. Berliner Forum Electronic Business 2004
“IT Productivity and Value Chains“ 

15th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS) 2004
Connecting Societies and Markets: Communication Technology, Policy and Impacts”
Organization comitee, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,

Berliner XML-Tage 2004 and 2003
Organization comitee,

eAWARe - IT-Sicherheits-Forum für PC- and Internetnutzer 2003

3. Berliner Forum Electronic Business 2002
“Allianz des Wissens - Wirtschaft and Wissenschaft auf dem Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft“, Veranstalter and Tagungsleitung  

Medien-Netzwerk-Berlin 2002, 2001, 2000

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